Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds

Organizational Assistance - Prior to inception, Oracle Advisory Services will work closely with legal counsel, will provide start-up advice and consulting services to better enable our clients to utilize the most advantageous structures available to them to meet both their financial and economic needs while minimizing taxation.

Accounting Services - Oracle Advisory Services provides fast, accurate and cost effective fund accounting services to both large and small funds. We offer recommendations and advice that extend beyond just an audit and review of financial statements. Our service teams are available throughout the year to provide ongoing operational support.

Some of the key features of our service include:
  • Maintenance of General Ledger and investor information
  • Daily, monthly or quarterly NAV and performance calculations
  • Unitized values or capital accounts for each investor
  • Multi-currency capability
  • Customizable investor statements
  • Investor statements that consolidate multiple funds on a single page
  • Wash sale analysis and hot issue segregation
  • Performance calculations for a single investment or groups of investments
  • Internet access to investor statements
  • Ability to reopen books at any time to account for new data
  • Automatic calculation of management and performance fees and loss carryforwards
  • Calculation of complex fee structures including hurdle rates or triggers
  • Variable fee structures by client
  • Automatic accrual of repetitive expenses
  • Ability to process multiple share classes and master feeder structures
  • Calculation of book and tax allocations with multiple allocation methods
  • Segregation of investors by tax status
  • Electronic interfaces with prime brokers or other counterparties
  • Calculation of payments to sales reps
  • Production of K1s and generation of federal tax return data
  • Ability to produce estimated K1 data prior to year end

Regulatory Advice and Reporting - We consult and advise our clients on compliance with the accounting and tax matters of laws and regulations administered by the Internal Revenue Service, Securities and Exchange Commission, and other relevant regulatory bodies.

Taxation - Oracle Advisory Services has the expertise and industry knowledge to assist our clients with today's increasingly complex tax regulations and reporting environment. Our tax planning, research and consulting services result in tax efficient strategies for our clients. We strive to secure the optimum tax results for federal, state, local, and international matters.

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